
Eggburt lives in the stables, he is put in with any nervous horses Mark has to break, once he has bounced round their feet, done the wall of death round their head and crowed loudly at dawn, they are pretty happy just to get out and be ridden. Hopefully we will be getting Eggburt some girlfriends at the poultry sale at Longtown at the end of the month.
It will snow tomorrow... (you never knew I was a weather girl did you?!)
It will.... because Mule and Lizzie are NAKED!!!

Chuffed to bits with how muley is looking - another week on hols then in for a hair cut, a tail wash and back into work. Yay lean mean riding mule!!!

Lizzie is now 22yo and has only had haylage on the coldest and most miserable of nights. I challenge anyone not to like this little mare!

Millie says "hey tubby, your causing a shadow, move it, I'm tanning"