Last tournament of the season this weekend, Saturday at Border Reivers, where Marks team won and then Sunday at Perth where they were beaten by half a goal. The weather was lovely, the ground a little on the soft side!

Arrayan has had a great first season as a 4yo, winning Best Playing Pony at the Perth Spring Tournament and playing well all season. He's been a complete gent to take out, covering before and after polo with no ill effects on his attitude. A small tank, he loves to ride off. He will be out for Chukkas on Wednesday night and then a well deserved holiday until Christmas time.
Upa has been a lovely horse to have, adding some height and speed to the string. He will be heading back to Wales soon and we are very grateful to Sian and Sebastian for letting us have him for the season.

Pitufa, came back after a short holiday stronger and better than before this season, she really is a super pony. No hunting for her this year so she'll be sporting the wild and wooly look by next weekend!!