Very limited internet access at the moment so a quick blog with the foals enjoying the last of the sun, the nights are getting cold now and they are laying down winter coats rapidly. At the moment our surfing the net is limited to sitting in the service station car park (... eating Burger King "fluffy" pancakes and trying not to get syrup on the key board) for five minutes to check the emails using a Dongle. Hoping normal service will resume soon (... before I hit twenty stone)
Monday, 27 September 2010
Sunday, 19 September 2010
BWBS Grading
I was photographing at the BWBS Grading held at Rachan Stud today, if I'm honest, I don't think my photos are particularly sparkling, though there are a couple of nice ones. This lad was rather on his toes...
Note the stick, kicked out of the mares handlers hand, flying over her shoulder. It then sailed over the gate behind her and another 15 ft, you couldn't do that if you tried!!
Every mare entered, graded (yes, I was rather surprised!) and the fact that all the horses got a rosette made for a very happy atmosphere, the weather stayed mostly dry and it was a great relaxed day. Mind, if I could have brought one animal home I'd probably of bypassed the broodmares and taken "Vadar"!
Saturday, 18 September 2010
I'm a bit late in blogging poor Myrtle who arrived on Tuesday, a young polo pony mare she is here to visit Arrayan, she settled in immediately and we got the timing right when her swab result came back yesterday and she was bang in season. An absolute sweetheart of a mare! She is owned by Luis Ferrarese of Pampeano - "Arguably the finest polo equipment from Argentina; exquisite, genuine leather items for travel, work and good living; striking, beautiful cowhide accessories for the home are brought to you by Pampeano."
Friday, 17 September 2010
Chamfron Caramia.
Chamfron Cactus Jack
Well Cactus is three months old and I am desperate to get some moving shots of him but he is SO laid back!! I decided to employ the big guns today, Mark with a hunting horn and a big scary octopus kite... As you can see number of photos of fleeing "big trot" foal - NONE, number of photos of slightly bemused foal - well lets just say there was plenty to choose from!!

Mares and Foals
Saturday, 11 September 2010
Appaloosa Calendar 2011
Herd move.
Brian came and took the haylage bales off the field yesterday, cue the horses looking very longingly over the fence!! This is a nice field for the Autumn with a running stream, a bank of trees and a nice sheltered valley. Once the grass has died off out there they will come in nearer the house for winter.
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