Saturday 11 May 2024

Keep Moving - Week 19

Marissa rode Spider on Sunday so I had a walk with them before heading out for my 5km run, started off well but it was muggy and I lost my motivation so 4.4km done in 33 min.  The pace on my tracker tells a story - start off well, stop to pull up leggings, jog on, oh yes, look at me jogging for ages, walk to take a Turf zone, jog some more, completely hit a wall, walk a lot, jog a little, walk, walk some more, do a pathetic wee jog, decide I will stop at the bridge, jog another three strides and call it quits!  On Tuesday both boys went to the arena, I felt Spider went well, Cactus went in his usual pokey nosed trot / crooked canter manner and I tipped forward and flailed about.  The photos tell a fairly dire story but that just leaves room for improvement.  Tuesday I did five miles walking along tracks at the back of Tranent and on Wednesday it was six work miles in the Sunshine.  Four more work miles on Thursday then the same again on Spider.  Unfortunately Cactus was lame on Friday so Spider hacked out again on Friday and Saturday, t-shirt and bath weather!

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