Sunday 30 June 2024

Chamfron by Dand - Dinnet

Photos by Jessica Crighton, super crew this weekend!

Saturday 29 June 2024

Chamfron Outings

Chamfron Nicobar is back out at BE100, placing 13th at Alnwick Ford and Chamfron by Dand redeemed himself cruising around another 80km to get the first of his Gold Thistle rides ticked off (one to go!)

Keep Moving - Week 26

Usual Sunday hack for the boys, then some East Lothian poppy hunting on Sunday and Monday night.  Finished work early on Wednesday, both boys out a quick hack and then we had a walk up Salisbury Crags and around Arthur's Seat, taking in the ruins of St Anthony's Chapel.  Looking up at the summit from the chapel you could easily be fooled in to thinking you were in the Highlands not the centre of the city.  Spider hacked out on Thursday and on Saturday after Libby and I had spent the day at the Bettina Biolik clinic. 

Saturday 22 June 2024

Keep Moving - Week 25

The boys hacked together on Sunday, I managed to get them both out dodging the showers on Monday then Spider out again on Wednesday night.  Did five miles around the Highland Show at work on Thursday, the felted sheep in the handicrafts tent were fabulous.  Both boys out again on Friday and Saturday, I have bimbled along very slowly with Cactus as he was really unsettled changing home but in the last week I am suddenly really enjoying riding him.

Thursday 20 June 2024

Chamfron Outings

11-month old Ceilidh had her show debut in the Sports Horse Yearling class at Three Counties show.  Chamfron Almendra jumped double clear round Oxstalls BE90Ou18.  Perdita and Osito are looking fit and having a great season playing.

Sunday 16 June 2024

Saturday 15 June 2024

Keep Moving - Week 24

Usual Sunday hack for both boys, then Spider was hacked out on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday with Cactus coming along in hand (he has a scabby back).  Saturday didn't quite go to plan, we started crewing for Rebecca at the Mount Lothian ride, about 50m in to the 50km ride Owen felt the change from cut grass to long grass was utterly unacceptable and dropped Rebecca firmly on her head, thought best to take them both home!  Coming back down the road we stopped at another accident on the motorway and then had a planned stop at the site of the former St Ninian's opencast coal mine.  I see the "Walnut Whips" from the motorway most weeks so it was interesting to see it close up, it has been described as "the half-finished remains of what would have been Scotland’s biggest piece of landscape art" but there are now plans to develop a wellness centre there and it has also been proposed as a site for a national memorial dedicated to those accused of witchcraft.