Saturday 15 June 2024

Keep Moving - Week 24

Usual Sunday hack for both boys, then Spider was hacked out on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday with Cactus coming along in hand (he has a scabby back).  Saturday didn't quite go to plan, we started crewing for Rebecca at the Mount Lothian ride, about 50m in to the 50km ride Owen felt the change from cut grass to long grass was utterly unacceptable and dropped Rebecca firmly on her head, thought best to take them both home!  Coming back down the road we stopped at another accident on the motorway and then had a planned stop at the site of the former St Ninian's opencast coal mine.  I see the "Walnut Whips" from the motorway most weeks so it was interesting to see it close up, it has been described as "the half-finished remains of what would have been Scotland’s biggest piece of landscape art" but there are now plans to develop a wellness centre there and it has also been proposed as a site for a national memorial dedicated to those accused of witchcraft.

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