Saturday 31 December 2022

2022 Round Up

It has felt like another "nowt" year which in reality is absolutely ludicrous, we got married, sold two houses, bought one, moved the pony and I took on another task at work which meant lots of training and trips away.  It's certainly been a year of highs and lows, losing Craig's mum the week before we got married and his granddad the day before we moved house.  Then there was the general "meh" of catching Covid and never really feeling I've totally shrugged it off. 

We still love the house, one new cooker and one new boiler later, we even went wild yesterday and ordered a new sofa (ooo and an alarmingly expensive footstool I just threw in at the last moment).  It's been eye opening to see how quick every company is to presume you are putting everything on finance.

The world in general continues to be a little "err did that just happen?" - the Ukraine is still being invaded by Russia, the UK had three prime minsters in as many months and woman's rights are being eroded at speed in Afghanistan, the USA and Scotland. 

Horse wise, so many fabulous photos again this year including some "all grown up" shots of Campeador, Caramia and Rufina.  Highlights of the year included, Chamfron Tizona completing a very tough Man v Horse and being awarded the best turned out award.  Then crewing for Chamfron Agata de Fuego at the Scottish Endurance Championships and her gaining her Bronze Thistle final plus the trophy for the Novice 50km and Highest point novice and Chamfron Chaco playing in his first polo tournament. 

1 comment:

Val Ewing said...

You certainly had a wild year. Ours was quiet and rather boring, which was good.