Saturday 26 June 2010

"After" Noon the chook and other ramblings!

We had a good day at the Highland Show on Thursday, only one traumatic moment when the fake tan woman asked me if I wanted a demo "err no thanks" I said and put my head down and tried to shuffle past. Then she said "You could do with it love" so I speeded up and THEN she said "trust me you really need some glamour"!! To cheer me up Mark had to do his alpha male bit and master the coconut shy and win me a large fluffy cockerel!

Today "After" Noon (yip, the brown chook who decided to become head in charge of chicken in the house after the demise of Noon) met the new cockerel...

"There is another chicken in the house, thats not on, best go and have words with the whippets about that, slack lazy little sods!"

"Right, nice day, think I best head back out for an alfresco lunch, they are always impressed with my vertical take-off!"

Blooming chooks are taking over this farm!!!


Anonymous said...

That is just too funny! Take it from me getting a fake tan is no fun. Just had one for my hols not only did I have to do lots of prep I also had to wear the most random paper g string knickers that weren't even big enough to pretend to be a post it note. THEN the airbrush pipe came off so she had to get all and sundry to come in to help her fix it and I am standing there like a plank wearing nothing but a post it note thinking URM HELLO! Great photos as ever. More wuinea pigs doing anything....

Laura said...

OMG it could only happen to you!! PMSL. So are you orange?!!