Monday, 13 May 2013

All Hail the Never Ending Winter...

I thought the blog probably had enough Joey pictures on it but today deserves a mention!  So its the middle of May and we rock up at Andrew Parkers gallops, its two degrees and in the first photo we are sheltering in the trailer watching the hail.  In the second we have sportingly decided to unhitch and take the pick up down to the gallops.  Mark works while we get out for five minutes and whinge about the weather.  By the time we got home at 1pm it has, oh joy of joys, dropped to zero and is now a snow blizzard, brought the mares and foals in, came in the house, grumped a bit...


1 comment:

Cloudhunter said...

At some point the weather's got to get better? Surely? Maybe some form of sacrifice is needed to appease the weather gods... I have two left over sausages from tea, do you think that would work? ;)