Sunday 10 July 2022

Sun's shining

Its been a glorious weekend of sunshine here, today we went to South Queensferry and saw our first of the forty large giraffes that are lurking around Edinburgh.  You can collect them on an App and gain rewards, this one just happened to be a free ice cream, I had Giraffa Cake!  We saw a second at the Gyle and later one in Morningside.  We also stopped at the now finished (I may have said that before on this blog but I think it is actually finished this time) Colinton tunnel, I think you could walk through it a hundred times and see something different every time.  While we were sauntering and snacking Kirstin and Chamfron Agata de Fuego were no doubt sweltering their way around their second Bronze Thistle Qualifier for a speed category 2 gold.

1 comment:

Val Ewing said...

Beautiful area! It would be a wonder to walk through that tunnel and enjoy it!