Saturday 3 February 2024

Keep Moving - Week 5

Quick walk around Big Saltoun woods on Sunday, one deer spotted otherwise an unexciting plod, I feel like I am struggling to find anywhere new or interesting on the door step at the moment.  Tuesday was the best day of the week weather wise so I took the afternoon off with the plan of getting both horses hacked out.  Best laid plans and all that!  Arrived to see all the horses vanishing at speed around the valley, then they galloped up and down the hill snorting.  I caught Spider, dragged him over and tried to part him from his filth, like wrestling a greased ferret, there was a lot of feet stomping (him) and shouting (me) before I declared his ears and girth acceptable and threw his tack on anyway.  On leaving the field I noticed the hedges had just been trimmed...  Didn't get Cactus ridden but did walk three miles home to get my step count up.  Managed a walk around Lennoxlove on Thursday, the snowdrop star is starting to show.  Then a quick stop at Scone Palace on Friday, including a whizz round the Murray star maze. 


Val Ewing said...

I am so excited to see you out riding! This is very encouraging to me with our bleh weather.
Your enthusiasm for riding gives me the bump to go out and ride my beautiful old mules!

Laura said...

Thank you, it has been an incredibly windy winter here and I feel guilty I should be doing more - I try to remind myself I'm riding more than this time last year.